Francés-Gómez, P (2024) En memoria de David P. Gauthier. Isegoría. Revista de Filosofía moral y política N.º 70, enero-junio, 2024, 1577. Open Access. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2024.70.1577.

Cecchini Manara, V., Ciscato, E. Guarnieri, P., Spadoni, L. (2024) Back to the future: An experiment on ecological restoration, Ecological Economics, Volume 227, 2025, 108386, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2024.108386.

Marcon, L. (2024) From trendsetters to second movers: Commitments as catalysts for social change, Current Opinion in Psychology, Volume 60, 101929. Open Access. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copsyc.2024.101929.

Cejudo, R. (2024). Ethical Problems of the Use of Deepfakes in the Arts and Culture. In Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (pp. 129-148). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

Degli Antoni, G., and Grimalda, G. (2024). Is social capital bridging or bonding? Evidence from a field experiment with association members. Theory and Decision, 1-24.

Della Valle, N., D’Arcangelo, C., Faillo, M. (2024), «Promoting pro-environmental choices while addressing energy poverty», Energy Policy, 186.

Fragio, A., and Carpintero, O (2024). «Post-Normal Modelling in Ecological Economics: An Emergent Approach», Futures, (in press).

Klaser, K., Sanjaume-Calvet, M., and Marcon, L. (working paper). Climate change and climate ethics: a Kantian sense of justice to comply with Rawls’s just saving principle.

Klaser, K., and Marcon, L. (working paper). Can we dispense with moral judgments of fairness to achieve equality? Experimental evidence of a Fair Dictator Game.

Rosales, V. (2024). Economics of Justice. Enciclopedy of Law and Economics. Springer Nature.


Bretones, F., Delgado-Padial, A., González-González, J. (2023). Working Conditions After an Economic Crisis in Spain: “No Calm After the Storm”. Sociológia – Slovak Sociological Review, 55(4), 383-410. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/sociologia.2023.55.4.14

Cejudo Córdoba, R. (2023). Corporate Responsibility for Arts and Culture: Addressing the Impact of Globalization through IM Young’s. Business and Professional Ethics Journal.

Francés-Gómez, P. (2023) Ethical Principles and Governance for AI, en Lara, F. & Deckers, J (eds.), Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Springer Nature (Switzerland) 2023: 191-217.

Francés-Gómez, P. (2023) Contract. in Rendtorff, J.D. & Bonnafous-Boucher, M. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Stakeholder Management, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. (2023) http://dx.doi.org/10.4337/9781800374249

González-Cantón, C. (2023). Review of Georges Enderle’s Corporate responsibility for Wealth Creation and Human Rights. Cambridge University Press: A Sound Proposition that may not be Enough. Philosophy of Management 22, 563–57, 2023.

González Martínez, R., González-González, J.Mª., & Francés Gómez, P. (2023). Justifying Working Conditions and Labour Demands in Spain: Orders of Worth. RECERCA. Revista De Pensament I Anàlisi, 28(2). https://doi.org/10.6035/recerca.6522

Heyd, T. (2023). Climate Change and the Environmental Humanities. In: Pellegrino, G., Di Paola, M. (eds) Handbook of Philosophy of Climate Change. Cham: Springer, 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-16960-2_111-1

Heyd, T. (2023). Engaging with Nature in Times of Rapid Environmental Change: Vulnerability, Sentience, and Autonomy. The Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy 31 (1), 45-59. https://trumpeter.athabascau.ca/index.php/trumpet/article/view/1818

Catola, M., Guarnieri, P., Marcon, L., & Spadoni, L. (2023). Entitlement in the Multilevel Public Goods Game. Available at SSRN 4534107.


BALZA, R., y ROSALES, V. (2022). Precios justos, control de precios y desempeño económico: el caso de Venezuela. En «Derecho y Economía, Debates contemporáneos.» Tirant Lo Blanch.

Boulos, S., & González-Cantón, C. (2022). No such thing as acceptable sexual orientation change efforts: An international human rights analysis. Women & Criminal Justice, 32(1-2), 185-204.

Cecchini Manara, V. M. (2022). Accesso alla giustizia e tutela dei lavoratori dopo il Jobs Act: la ratio economica della sentenza n. 194 del 2018 della Corte Costituzionale. Pubblicazioni del dipartimento di diritto pubblico italiano e sovranazionale/università degli studi di milano, facoltà di giurisprudenza, 343-363.

Cejudo, R. (2022). ¿Es posible apropiarse de la vida cultural? Mercantilización y patrimonialización de comunes culturales. Isegoría, (66), e19-e19.

Cejudo, R., L. J. Cabeza, P. Francés, M. Luque, P. Rodríguez y S. Sánchez (eds.) (2022). Un nuevo pacto empresa sociedad. Economía social y ética. Madrid: Dykinson.

Degli Antoni, G. and Vittucci Marzetti, G. (2022). Estimating the effect on happiness through question randomization: An application to blood donation. Social Science & Medicine, 309, 115255, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.115255; ISSN: 0277-9536

Degli Antoni, G., and Faillo, M. (2022). Ethical consumerism and wage levels: Evidence from an experimental market. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, 31(3), 875–887, https://doi.org/10.1111/beer.12447; ISSN:2694-642

Degli Antoni, G., and Franco, C. (2022). The effect of technological behaviour and beliefs on subjective well-being: the role of technological infrastructure. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 32, 553–590 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00191-022-00769-4; Electronic ISSN: 432-1386, Print ISSN: 0936-9937

Degli Antoni, G., Faillo, M., Francés-Gómez, P., and Sacconi, L. (2022). Liberal egalitarian justice in the distribution of a common output. Experimental evidence and implications for effective institution design. Journal of Institutional Economics, 1-18, https://doi:10.1017/S1744137422000029; ISSN: 1744-1374 (Print), 1744-1382 (Online)

Fragio, A. (2022). Historical Epistemology of Ecological Economics: Essays on the Styles of Economic Reasoning. Springer Nature.

Francés-Gómez, P. (2022) A Liberal-Egalitarian Legitimacy Principle for the Firm. In: Langergaard L.L. (eds) New Economies for Sustainability. Ethical Economy (Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy), vol 59 (2022). Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-81743-5_10

González-Cantón, C. (2022). The Separation Thesis Weighs Heavily on Integrative Social Contracts Theory: A Comprehensive Critique. Philosophy of Management, 21(3), 391-411.

Heyd, T. (2022). Precursors and Antecedents of the Anthropocene. Social Sciences 11 (7), 2022, 286. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci11070286

Marcon, L., and Klaser, K. (2022). Il senso di fare la cosa giusta: Rawls e Kant sugli accordi climatici, Studi Kantiani, XXXV, pp. 65-85.


Cejudo, R. (2021). JS Mill on artistic freedom and censorship. Utilitas33(2), 180-192.

Degli Antoni, G., Fia, M., and Sacconi, L. (2021). Specific investments, cognitive resources, and specialized nature of research production in academic institutions: Why shared governance matters for performance. Journal of Institutional Economics, 18(4), 655-676, doi:10.1017/S1744137421000655; ISSN: 1744-1374 (Print), 1744-1382 (Online).

Degli Antoni, G., and Faillo, M. (2021). The number but not the variety of nonprofit organizations affects donations: evidence from an experiment. International Review of Economics, 68, 281–299. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12232-021-00373-1; Electronic ISSN: 1863-4613, Print ISSN: 1865-1704

Fragio, A. (2021). Estilos de razonamiento económico. Una epistemología histórica de las ciencias económicas, DCSH-UAM-C, Ciudad de México.

Klaser, K., Sacconi, L. and Faillo, M. (2021) «John Rawls and Compliance to Climate Change Agreements: Insights from a Laboratory Experiment», International Environmental Agreement: Politics, Law and Economics, 21(3), 531-551

González-Cantón, César and Sonia Boulos. (2021) «Human Rights, Capability Approach and Corporate Responsibility», in D. C. Poff and Michalos, A. C. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics.

Heyd, T. (2021). Covid-19 and Climate Change in the Times of the Anthropocene. Anthropocene Review 8 (1), 2021, 21-36, https://doi.org/10.1177/2053019620961799

Moral, A., Rosales, V., Martín-Román, Á. (2021). Professional vs. non-professional labour judges: their impact on the quality of judicial decisions. International Review of Law and Economics, 65, 105948. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.irle.2020.105948


Francés-Gómez, P. and González-González, J.Mª. (2020). Responsible Management of Psychosocial Risks in Migrant Workers: The Case of Southern Europe. In F. Díaz-Bretones and A. Santos (eds.) Health, Safety and Well-being of Migrant Workers: New Hazards, New Workers (pp. 157-175). London: Springer.

Klaser, K., Faillo, M., Cecchini Manara, V. M., & Sacconi, L. (2020). Nuovi strumenti finanziari per l’impresa sociale: un’indagine esplorativa sulle cooperative sociali nella Provincia Autonoma di Trento. IMPRESA SOCIALE2020(3), 51-61.

Marcon, L., Francés-Gómez, P., & Faillo, M. (2020). Does impartial reasoning matter in economic decisions? An experimental result about distributive (un)fairness in a production context – Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 35(2), 217-233. http://dx.doi.org/10.1387/theoria.21011

Marcon, L.; Francés-Gómez, P.; Faillo, M., (2020) «Distributive Justice in the Lab: Testing the Binding Role of Agreement» , Analyse & Kritik , 42(1): 107-136.

Marcon, L. (2020). Marco teórico y aplicación práctica: el enfoque de Bicchieri a las normas sociales, Dilemata, (33), 269–278.

Publicaciones anteriores al 2020

Baggio, M., Cecchini Manara, V., Faillo, M., & Sacconi, L. (2019). Social Impact Finance: The role of motivations. Theory and experimental evidence. In Colloquio Scientifico 2019: i paper (pp. 1-9). IRIS network.

Borgoni, R., Degli Antoni, G., Faillo, M., and Michelangeli, A. (2019). Natives; immigrants and social cohesion: intra-city analysis combining the hedonic approach and a framed field experiment. International Review of Applied Economics, 33(5), 697-711, doi: 10.1080/02692171.2018.1518412; Print ISSN: 0269-2171 Online ISSN: 1465-3486.

Bretones, F. D., González-González, J. Mª. Francés-Gómez, P. y González, R. (2017). El impacto de las tecnologías como nuevo riesgo psicosocial en el trabajo. En C. Palma y M. González (Eds.), El riesgo tecnológico: impactos sociales (pp. 107-123). Madrid: Catarata.

Costa, P.,  Ramos, S., Silva, S., Passos, A. Tavares, S. M., Bretones, F. D., Delgado, A.,  Doulougeri, K., Georganta, K., Giacominelli, B., González, J. M., González, R.,  Montgomery, A. y Pasini, M. (2015). Participative prevention of psychosocial emergent risks in small and medium enterprises. The European Health Psychologist, 17 (4), 146-151.

Degli Antoni, G. and Vittucci Marzetti, G. (2019). Recycling and Waste Generation: An Estimate of the Source Reduction Effect of Recycling Programs. Ecological Economics, 161, 321-329.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.04.002; ISSN: 0921-8009

González-Cantón, C., Boulos, S., & Sánchez-Garrido, P. (2019). Exploring the link between human rights, the capability approach and corporate responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 160(4), 865-879.

González-González, J. Mª; Díaz-Bretones, F.; Gónzález-Martínez, R. and Francés-Gómez, P. (2019). «The future of an illusion”: A Paradoxes of Corporate Social Responsibility. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 32(1), 2-14. https://doi.org/10.1108/JOCM-01-2018-0018

Morales Valero, M. y González González, J. M. (2017). El modelo de acreditación del sistema sanitario público en Andalucía. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 35(1), 187-208.

Rosales, V. (2017). Demanda y Oferta de Justicia Civil en España. Papeles de Economía Española. Nº 151. Pg: 102-115.


Rosales, V., Jiménez-Rubio, D. (2017). Empirical Analysis of Civil Litigation Determinants: The Case of Spain. European Journal of Law and Economics. 44:2. Pg: 321-338. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10657-016-9543-2

Morales Valero, Manuel & González González, José María (2016). La construcción de subjetividades en el sistema sanitario público de Andalucía (España). Athenea Digital. Revista de Pensamiento e Investigación Social, 16(2), 3-31. http://dx.doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenea.1525

Rosales, V. (2016). Producción y Eficiencia de la Oferta. Pg: 667-734. En Pastor, S. (Autor). Análisis Económico de la Justicia y Reforma Judicial. Editorial Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia. ISBN: 9788490869031

Rosales, V. (2016). Eficacia en la Ejecución. Pg: 819-846. En Pastor, S. (Autor). Análisis Económico de la Justicia y Reforma Judicial. Editorial Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia. ISBN: 9788490869031